Maro would end up on Hiro's side of the pee pen or she'd get out of the bathroom. I couldn't figure out how she was doing it, other than I must have left the gate open. The pictures are blurry bc I was standing behind the door, and took a picture through the crack. I put her back in so I can get Hiro..
Oh ho.. that was Hilarious! Oh, was I too loud? Come closer.. I've got a secret. Do you want to know, too? No? Okay, I'll tell Maro only. What was my secret, you ask? I'm growing into my turkey neck... It's taking forever! How depressing..
I was experimenting with different shooting modes on my camera. They're extremely tired from playing around upstairs. Demon.. I smell poo.. Hiro, that you? WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIS HEAD?