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Showing posts from June, 2009


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants! kinda scary looking, huh? His eyeballs tasted great!

Lazy Sunday

We took Hiro & Maro on their first neighborhood walk this morning from our house to my parents. Hiro wanted to mark everything! At one point, he got kinda tired and rolled around on a neighbor's lawn. On the way back, it got a bit warmer. Hiro couldn't stand it anymore, and had his Daddy drag him on the leash with him barely moving his legs. His Daddy had to pick him up, and take him home. As soon as he was picked up, he was smiling! Maro walked a little more, then finally laid down to I had to pick her up and take her home. We only walked a block and back... They love air conditioning!


This was a real test of Maro's patience. She was so tired, but didn't want to miss anything by sleeping. Cathy and I thought it'd be cute to dress her up in her "furs." Old Hollywood Glamour... and where was Hiro?? ahhh.. the good life.