Yesterday, Dustin mowed the back lawn. He ran over a frog, and the blades sliced up its body. However, it was still blinking and breathing. Dustin didn't want it to suffer, so he had to crush its skull. I asked him to bury it instead of throwing it in the garbage. So he buried it in the flowerbed that Hiro likes to sit in. Hiro's been playing with this frog for about 2 weeks now. After breakfast he goes outside to do his business. If the frog's on the patio, he'll play with it. Last week, Dustin said Hiro tried to eat the frog. Every evening this week, Hiro's been wanting to go out every 5 minutes so he can check if the frog's come out to play. I just hope we've got another frog in the yard : ( No pic of the dead frog.. it's too graphic. In case you forgot..