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Showing posts from May, 2010

Nothing can separate a woman & her purse

Her purse looks Louis Vuitton-ish?? They were traditionally buried with their most treasured possessions to take with them into their afterlife. And for this female mummy, her most important item was her handbag. The corpse of the Korean woman, which is thought to date back 500 years, was also discovered with her finest clothes as well as a the intricate satchel and ornaments. Researchers at the Seogyeong Cultural Properties Research Institute in Seoul believe the woman was the wife of a high-level government official during the Joseon Dynasty and who died during the 16th century. Early analysis of the wooden coffin in which she was interred has revealed characters which indicate she was a woman of importance. The coffin was found at an industrial complex site in Osan, Gyeonggi Province in South Korea. It hails from the Joseon Dynasty, which ruled between 1392 until 1910. The clothes found with the mummy will help researchers in the study of how women lived during the era. Although mum...

The Ugly One

BIG TROUT LAKE, Ont. — A strange and ugly creature has washed ashore in a northern Ontario First Nations community and it is being treated as a bad omen. The creature, which is over 20 centimetres long and has a bare, gargoyle-like face and furry body, was found in a lake on the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug reserve, some 200 kilometres south of Hudson Bay, earlier this month by hikers. A dog was sniffing around in the water and the hikers noticed the creature face-down in the lake. The dog then dragged the creature onto the land. The community's website, which also tells stories of mermaid sightings and a "huge water snake," offers a caution over the strange, unidentified animal. "No one knows what it is, but our ancestors used to call it the Ugly One," the Kitchenuhmaykoosib website says. "Rarely seen, but when seen, it's a bad omen. Something bad will happen, according to our ancestors." Source

Mr. Bean's dog

Mr. Bean's dog.... see the resemblance?

Go, Squirtle, Go

Who are you calling slow? Eat my dust, suckaz!

Hello Schloth...

I still love sloths. I think they're so cute! These pics are from Aviaros del Caribe sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica. It's the only sloth orphanage of its kind. These cuties were orphaned because their mothers were run over or electrocuted on power lines.. : ( If I win the lottery, I'd open a sloth orphanage, too. Meet the sloths from Amphibian Avenger on Vimeo .

Take my picture??

Cameraman: Look straight at the camera and give me your sexy look... Cameraman: Look to the side... you're thinking.. Cameraman: You're longing for something... look sad. You're just not feeling it today. Red-ruffed lemur: well, how about this?! p.s. 2 red-ruffed lemurs were born at Busch Gardens in Florida. This is just one of them.

Tree Kangeroo

Have you heard of a tree kangeroo? It's almost as cute as a red panda. Look at those paws!

Baby Beluga

It's Picasso reborn! A Beluga whale is making a big splash as an artist after picking up a paintbrush at an oceanarium in China. Keepers at the Qingdao Polar Ocean World say Xiao Qiang started out when he simply grabbed a paint brush left behind buy a visitor and started playing with it. Now the seven year old star's paintings are changing hands for hundreds of pounds among fans. "He showed a lot of interest in painting right from the start so now all we have to do is give him the brushes and hold the paper while he paints with his mouth," said trainer Zhang Yong. "His favourite colour seems to be blue and he's best of all at seascapes. His people always look like seals." Experts say that dolphin-like Belugas - known as the sea canary because of their high pitched squeaks and twitters - have more soft tissue around their mouths than other whales which allows Xiao Qiang to manipulate a brush. "He enjoys what he does and this turning of the head to pa...