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Showing posts from July, 2009

Ladies' man

Hiro likes his ladies... He's not picky who he snuggles up next to. yes! I'm finally up to date. Sorry, Cathy.

Hot fun in the summer time

After playing in the backyard, they came in and collapsed. Maro loves playing outside even if it's super hot. She collapses again to catch her breath. It's so hard to get her to drink water after coming in.


Majide? Majide... The Princess is tired.

Day at the pool

We got them a kiddie pool. We got the idea after we saw our adult neighbors chilling in their kiddie pool. "Pool inspection time!" "This end looks fine!" "You want me to stick my butt where?!" "I don't think so!" Hiro's turn... "It's too cold." "Please don't put me in the water." "Please, I don't like it." "I really don't like it!" *Hiro jumps out and sulks in the corner.* "You got my butt wet!" It's okay, Hiro. *Stares menacingly at the pool* *Daddy has to get in the pool with Hiro. Notice the stiff legs.* "I won't like it... you can't make me!" "I mean it! I won't like it, I tell ya!" *After splashing Hiro with the cool water...* "Hmmm... on second thought..." "It's not so But, keep splashing me with water!"

Wonder Twins

Quick...let's put on our disguises. Wonder Maro & Super Hiro

First rawhide

We gave them their first rawhide treat after dinner. Just a small twisty kind. Hiro took it into the living room to keep it away from Maro. Don't worry. He eventually figured it out and enjoyed it.

You Looking At ME?!

One of many staring contests... I got your back!


Our town was having a fireworks display downtown. We walked around the square for quite some time until Dustin decided he was too tired to walk anymore and sat on the street curb to rest. We had no clue where the fireworks show would be at. Within 10 minutes, we heard a loud BOOM behind us. What Good Luck! Fireworks were right behind us. They blasted so loud and powerful the "pop" makes your heart skip a beat. We were quite impressed considering other towns weren't having a display at all. The city went all out on the display which lasted for at least 30 minutes. The flashes were so bright, it was like the papparazzi was there..hahaha. Here are a few pictures...I don't know how to take pictures of fireworks. It's forming a heart