We finally got the two leaks in the roof fixed since grand homes has washed their hands of all responsibilities. According to the roofer, Grand Homes has shoddy roofers..and we can attest to that. I've seen so many complaints about the roofers Grand Homes uses, and we're no different. How did they ever get to builder of the year awards?!
Our windows needed to be resealed, which I'll have to do the bedroom ones myself. The roofer basically resealed the above stairs windows in the entertainment area, resealed the mortar, glue/nail down shingles that weren't nailed down. omg, what a nightmare! Total cost $400. Sheesh!
Our windows needed to be resealed, which I'll have to do the bedroom ones myself. The roofer basically resealed the above stairs windows in the entertainment area, resealed the mortar, glue/nail down shingles that weren't nailed down. omg, what a nightmare! Total cost $400. Sheesh!