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Showing posts from June, 2011

Camera shy

Ando gets camera shy when he notices the camera is on him.

3 Boston Ninjas

Took some pictures yesterday to add to their new Facebook page. Love Hiro's teeth  smile. Ok, they're done with posing for pictures. Seriously, done.

Mango's Birthday

Mango's 1st and probably last birthday. He ruined it for everyone by running away and refusing pictures. Here's the cake my sister made.  Supposed to be carrot cake. Birthday boy. Puppies didn't want to be there. What were the puppies looking at?? Hiro thinks this sucks. CAKE TIME!! Notice the hole in the middle of the cake? That's because it wasn't done.  Good thing, it broke off when we served it. Hiro has to inspect Ly's cooking first for any "poisons." "Mommy, can I have my cake now?" Taken 5/28/2011.

Maru = pretty

Maru likes to get her nails done.  I decided to paint them this week.  Makes her paws look dainty. Taken 6/17/2011

Pumping a boss.

Ando likes to pump iron...even in his sleep. Love it when he smiles in his sleep. So happy we rescued him. Taken 4/14/2011